
A lot of students go through their four years at Dartmouth taking classes that they aren’t truly interested in, and many end up taking courses that they regret or that they don’t actually need. Our app is designed to fix this problem and give students the best academic experience Dartmouth has to offer. Our final project is an app that, based on other users with similar interests, recommends courses that the student might like, similar to how Netflix recommends movies or how Amazon recommends products. We collected course information from various sources such as the timetable from the Dartmouth course site and the ORC, and through machine learning and collaborative filtering, created an app to revolutionize your four years at Dartmouth

Download our app here!

Check out our code

backend | | frontend

Heres the link for our Demo Day Presentation!

Here’s the link for our original pitch!

MVC Diagram


Dartmouth CS65 Spring 2018

Marshall Peng ‘20

  • Worked on backend
    • Machine learning and collaborative filtering algorithm
    • Scraping course information from ORC and storing into firebase
  • Created Website

James Lee ‘20

  • Worked on frontend
    • Activities, Fragments
    • Storing/Retrieving from firebase
    • UI
    • Color Scheme, Logo, Layout Design, Animations